Mindset Meets Nutrition:
A free 2 day workshop on how to cut through the media's nutrition BS & curate a lifestyle you love
To show past dieters & nutrition dart throwers how to feel confident in making healthy nutrition decisions today that align with your desired future state in a way that is easy, fulfilling, and has an immediate impact on your everyday lifestyle regardless of whether you’ve had a nutrition coach in the past OR have been given the holy grail of meal plans.
Day 1
Tuesday, 2/21/23
4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST
Shifts in the way you talk about food that impacts your cravings + behavior
We'll dive into the actual shifts you can use in your daily life as well as the impact your speech, perceptions & labeling of food has on your daily actions and interpretations of your relationship with food.
Day 2
Thursday, 2/23/23
4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST
Build an impenetrable mindset to cut through the media's nutrition BS!
You follow tons of nutrition accounts, all saying something different. You don't know what or who to believe anymore & nothing seems to stick. I am going to show you 3 ways to build an impenetrable mindset that cuts through what is & isn't realistic for you, building your confidence in making nutrition purchasing decisions.

If you're ready to finally...
eat lunches out without guilt or self loathing
be confident in your own nutrition choices & decisions
know how to approach nutrition to serve your lifestyle & preferences
spend more time enjoying vacation & less time self loathing after it
stop wasting time and $$ on that 100th diet/powder/pill/stomach vacuum you saw on Instagram that your bff swears by
**yes, a replay for both days will be sent out by Friday, 2/24/23 for all registered attendees only! Be sure to register to get access to the replays!